Land Use & Entitlements
We provide a full range of services in land use law, ranging from environmental review to entitlement support to drafting of zoning, subdivision, and other land use ordinances. Our practice is particularly focused on land use issues related to housing and redevelopment. We have prepared numerous inclusionary and density bonus ordinances for public agency clients, reviewed housing elements and defended them in court, and drafted documents to implement adopted programs, including development agreements, deed restrictions for homebuyers, and covenants for affordable rental housing.
Many of our attorneys have degrees in city planning or related fields or have experience working in local planning agencies. We have made numerous presentations to and written papers for organizations such as the American Planning Association, League of California Cities, and Housing California on a broad range of land use issues, including streamlining environmental review, climate change, housing elements, and density bonus law. We are active in those organizations, and attorneys in the firm have assisted in drafting land use legislation.