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LAW ALERT – Score One for Cities: Court Holds Redevelopment Dissolution No Excuse for Unconstitutionally Impairing Contracts
The litigation fallout from redevelopment dissolution continues, with dozens of cases pending at the trial and appellate levels. Click here to read more.
LAW ALERT – A Non-Exclusive Club: HCD Finds Most California Jurisdictions Subject to SB 35 Streamlining
On February 1, 2018, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) released the final list of jurisdictions that will be subject to SB 35's streamlined housing development...
Congratulations to Our Newest Partners: Dolores Bastian Dalton and Joshua J. Mason!
Dolores has been certified by the State Bar of California as a Specialist in Appellate Law and is a trained Mediator. She has extensive experience litigating and mediating commercial, public...
Dolores Bastian Dalton Certified as Specialist in Appellate Law
Goldfarb & Lipman is pleased to announce that Dolores Bastian Dalton has become certified by the State Bar of California as a Specialist in Appellate Law. Dolores’s email address is...
LAW ALERT – California’s Housing Bill Package 2017: A Detailed Analysis
On September 15, the last day of the 2017 session, the California Legislature responded to the state's housing crisis by passing over one dozen bills in a landmark housing package developed together...
LAW ALERT – Legislature Passes Major Overhaul of California Housing Laws
On September 15, the last day of the 2017 session, the California Legislature responded to the state's housing crisis by passing over one dozen bills in a landmark housing package developed together...
Goldfarb & Lipman Receives Three NAHRO Agency Awards of Merit 2017
Goldfarb & Lipman received three 2017 Awards of Merit from NAHRO for their work in housing and community development: The San Francisco HUD-VASH Program. The San Francisco HUD-VASH program...
LAW ALERT – Supreme Court Clarifies “Parcel as a Whole” Analysis in Murr v. Wisconsin
Last week the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Murr v. Wisconsin, a significant regulatory takings case addressing the so-called "denominator problem. Click here to read more.
LAW ALERT – Court of Appeal Applies San Mateo Gardens and Clarifies Subsequent Environmental Review Standard for Negative Declarations
In September 2016, the California Supreme Court decided Friends of the College of San Mateo Gardens v. San Mateo Community College District (2016) 1 Cal.5th 937, which addressed standards for...
LAW ALERT – Supreme Court Finds City Standing Against Banks’ Predatory Lending Practices Against Residents
In a 5-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that the City of Miami, Florida was an "aggrieved person" for purposes of the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA), and so its complaint against Bank of...
Law Alert – 4-27-17 – CA Supreme Court Rejects EIR for Failure to Integrate Coastal Act Analysis
A unanimous decision of the California Supreme Court concluded that the City of Newport Beach abused its discretion by approving an environmental impact report for the development of coastal zone...
LAW ALERT – The Personal Could be Public: California Supreme Court Holds that E-Communications About Public Business on Private Devices and Accounts May Be Subject to Disclosure Under the California Public Records Act
The California Supreme Court has weighed in on a closely watched case involving the scope of the California Public Records Act (the CPRA) and its applicability to communications on personal accounts...
LAW ALERT – No Dirty Laundry! BOE Finds Welfare Exemption Applies to Laundry Rooms with For-Profit Operators and Introduces BOE Form 267-O
3131The State Board of Equalization (BOE) recently provided a legal determination in response to issues raised by Mutual Housing California, assisted by Goldfarb & Lipman, regarding certain...
LAW ALERT – HUD Giveth (to Preservation Projects) and Taketh Away (from other HUD-Assisted Projects)
Two new directives have been issued recently by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") which affect certain HUD-assisted affordable housing projects. Click here to...
LAW ALERT – A Divided California Supreme Court Balances Government Transparency with the Attorney-Client Privilege
In a significant decision involving the scope of the attorney-client privilege applicable to public agencies, the California Supreme Court offered a nuanced approach to determine when local agencies...