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LAW ALERT – “Knick” Knocks Precedent: Sharply Divided U.S. Supreme Court Opens Federal Court Doors to Takings Claims
In a sweeping decision directly overturning U.S. Supreme Court precedent, a slim majority of the Supreme Court has held that inverse condemnation plaintiffs may immediately proceed to federal court...
LAW ALERT – Treasury Announces New Markets Tax Credits Allocation Awards
On May 23, 2019, the United States Department of Treasury's Community Development Institutions Fund ("CDFI Fund") announced the awardees of New Markets Tax Credits ("NMTC") for the 2018 round of the...
Goldfarb & Lipman’s Los Angeles Office has Moved
Goldfarb & Lipman’s Los Angeles office has moved to downtown LA’s KPMG Building, located at: 550 South Hope Street, Suite 2685 KPMG Building Los Angeles, CA 90071 Phone: (213)...
LAW ALERT – Tenant Lease Tune-Up: Court Says Landlords Liable for Tenant-On-Tenant Discrimination
There are not many reported cases on whether a landlord can be liable under Fair Housing law for tenant-on-tenant discrimination. Click here to read more.
Dianne Jackson Mclean—Advisor for the California Lawyers Association Real Property Law Section
Goldfarb & Lipman's Dianne Jackson McLean serves as an advisor for the Real Property Section of the California Lawyers Association. In addition, Dianne is a Diversity Committee Chairperson for...
LAW ALERT – The Devil’s in the Details: Supreme Court Expands Judicial Scrutiny of EIRs
The California Supreme Court has unanimously held that, to satisfy CEQA, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must include sufficient detail to enable the public to truly understand the...
Redevelopment Dissolution Victory
Goldfarb & Lipman recently obtained a ruling in favor of a city/successor agency client and against the state Department of Finance in a writ of mandate action the firm filed on behalf of the...
“California Conundrum” Published in January 2019 Issue of Planning
Written by Barbara Kautz, Dolores Dalton and Eric Phillips: new state rules aimed at easing the severe housing crunch mean planners need to make sure their zoning regulations are objective—and it's...
LAW ALERT – With AB 2162’s By-Right Approval Process, State Lawmakers Lend a Hand to Supportive Housing
Of the crop of bills signed in the last legislative session that took effect as of January 1, 2019, AB 2162 has the potential to have the most immediate impact addressing the housing crisis. Click...
NMTCs Bring Los Angeles Community Center to the Finish Line
After decades in the making, the Paul I. Terasaki Budokan community center will become a reality in Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo neighborhood. Click here to read more.
Groundbreaking at 490 South Van Ness, San Francisco
Proving that the Goldfarb & Lipman team is willing to grab shovels and start digging (while properly mitigating risk by wearing reasonably prudent hard hats!), Aileen Nguyen and Joshua...
LAW ALERT – Power to the People
The California Supreme Court has decided an important case on the relationship between the referendum power and local land use decisions. Click here to read more.
Dianne Jackson McLean Celebrating Diversity With the Real Property Executive Committee
Dianne Jackson McLean, a Partner at the firm, and a Diversity Committee Chairperson of the California Lawyers Association’s Real Property Section, was a featured speaker at the CLA Annual Meeting...
LAW ALERT – From Vague to Vogue: In Connor v. First Student, the California Supreme Court Brings ICRAA Compliance, and Risk, Back to Tenant Screening
Since the 1970s, California and the Federal government have been regulating the collection and use of information related to the character and creditworthiness of consumers, especially in credit,...
Despite Rising Rents, Nonprofit Creates Affordable Manufacturing Space in San Francisco
The Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits (Vol. 9, Issue 6) features an article on the San Francisco manufacturing facility where Goldfarb & Lipman Attorneys assisted the developer with the New...