
Garfield Park Village Grand Re-Opening


721 Bay Street, Santa Cruz, CA Monday, May 16, 2016 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Program starts at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres provided  Christian Church Homes is proud to present the newly...

CALED 34th Annual Conference


Karen Tiedemann will be speaking at the CALED Conference on April 9, 2014 on the various sources of funding available for community development projects in a post-redevelopment world.

2014 CA Co-Op Conference


Karen Tiedemann will be speaking at the 2014 California Center for Cooperative Development Conference on April 12, 2014. The workshop will cover changes to the Davis-Stirling Act that impact housing...

CALED Preconference


Karen Tiedemann will be a feature presenter at the California Association for Local Economic Development Pre-Conference on April 9, 2013. She will be speaking on disposition and property management...

Women in the Law: What Works for Women at Work


Women in the Law: What Works for Women at Work: Xochitl Carrion participated in a panel discussion on gender bias in the legal workplace. Sponsored by the Law Students for Reproductive Justice...

San Francisco Color of Justice


On March 15, 2013, Xochitl Carrion participated in the annual San Francisco Color of Justice program as a panel presenter. Founded in 2004, the Color of Justice program gives minority young women...

Disney’s Grand New Neighbor Breaks Ground


  After years of planning, on February 11, 2019, The Grand had its groundbreaking in downtown Los Angeles. Goldfarb & Lipman is proud to be part of the team, which included: CRA/LA, Related...