Our Work | Mixed Use And Commercial Real Estate

Hollywood And Vine, Los Angeles, CA
The Hollywood and Vine project involved the construction of a multi-family rental housing development consisting of 262 units, approximately 45,000 square feet of retail space along with approximately 683 parking spaces, a W Hotel consisting of approximately 300 rooms, lounge, restaurant, retail space, approximately 285 parking spaces, with an integrated condominium component consisting of 96 units of for-sale housing with approximately 192 parking spaces. The Project is located on 4.6 acres of real property bounded by Hollywood Boulevard to the north, Argyle Avenue on the east, Selma Avenue on the south, and Vine Street in Los Angeles and was partially built on Metropolitan Transit Authority land on top of a subway portal. We assisted in a land swap and negotiated other issues with the MTA on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles.
Photo Credit
Neil Kremer via flickr

David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA
Goldfarb & Lipman represented the City of Berkeley in the negotiation of a disposition and development agreement with Oxford Street Development, LLC for a mixed-use development in downtown Berkeley, consisting of a city-owned subterranean parking garage, retail space, 100 units of affordable housing, and the David Brower Center, an environmental resource and community center and office building.
Photo Credit
Michael Mees via flickr

Goldfarb & Lipman assisted the Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency with the negotiation and drafting of agreements for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the historic but unused and earthquake-damaged Ford Assembly Building into an innovative 500,000 square feet mixed use development including manufacturing, R&D lab, office and restaurant uses, a 40,000 square foot event center known as “The Craneway”, a portion of the Bay Trail, and, in conjunction with the National Park Service, the Rosie the Riveter Memorial/World War II Home Front Historic Park.

Contra Costa Centre, Pleasant Hill, CA
Goldfarb & Lipman represented the Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency and a joint powers agency consisting of the Agency, BART and Contra Costa County in negotiations for a mixed-use, transit-oriented development on the surface parking lots surrounding the Pleasant Hill BART station.

Goldfarb & Lipman represented the CRA/LA in negotiating and drafting the Hotel Development Agreement for the JW Marriott Hotel located within the L.A. Live development area.

We represented the East Palo Alto Redevelopment Agency in negotiating and drafting the DDA for a 12-acre hotel and office complex. We assisted with the preparation and review of environmental documents, relocation plan, and replacement housing plan. The firm created the acquisition plan for 40 separate parcels of land and was responsible for all eminent domain actions involved in the property acquisition. We also negotiated a transient occupancy tax sharing agreement with the Hotel Developer that provided the necessary incentive to attract a Four Season’s hotel to the development.