Nexus v. Inclusionary: The Experience to Date

Because of the Palmer decision regarding affordable rental housing and uncertainty regarding the inclusionary housing case at the California Supreme Court, many communities have completed nexus studies and have collected fees from many projects rather than requiring developers to construct onsite affordable housing. This panel will present the results of NPH’s review of nexus studies in 16 Bay Area cities, describe local experience with multi-city nexus studies, discuss advantages and disadvantages of fees and onsite requirements, and review city experience when switching from onsite requirements to fees.


Convenor: Barbara Kautz; Goldfarb & Lipman LLP


Panel: Josh Abrams, Baird + Driskell and The Cornerstone Partnership; Pilar Lorenzana-Campo, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California; Dan Schoenholz, City of Fremont

Achieving Excellence in Occupied Rehabs

Managing the rehabilitation and restructuring of an older affordable housing project is complicated; add in the need to relocate existing residents, and the task can seem daunting. Hear from industry experts how to manage the people side of occupied rehabs. The panel will present case studies, outline best practices, and provide insight into relocations laws and how they may affect your project. Topics may include: onsite vs. offsite; involving resident services and property management timelines and deadlines; notifications, resident meetings, and household evaluations; logistics; reasonable accommodations, and California relocation laws.


Convenor: Lauren Maddock, Mercy Housing


Panel: Barbara Gualco, Mercy Housing; Dave Kroot, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP; Chad Wakefield, OPC


Aging in Place with Limited Resources

In a world of limited service dollars and resources, housing providers may be challenged to help elderly tenants who struggle to perform daily living activities. This workshop will examine best practices to help senior residents live independently and provide strategies to access resources when accommodations or assistance is needed. The panelists will provide a legal framework related to independent living issues and discuss practical solutions to real life issues, such as what to do when a tenant can no longer prepare his or her own meals or needs medical assistance and has no apparent resources to help.


Convenor & Moderator: Kate Comfort-Harr, HIP Housing


Panel: Ancel Romero, American Baptist Homes of the West; Chris Hess, Satellite Affordable Housing Associates; Heather Gould, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP; Lisa Mancini, IHSS San Mateo County