Law Alert – New ADA Regs & Design Standards in Effect; Notable Changes

In September of 2010 the U.S. Department of Justice revised the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Title II (State and Local Government Entities) and Title III (Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities) Download the PDF: “Law...

Law Alert – Section 202 Reform Bill Signed Into Law

With surprisingly little controversy, Congress passed legislation to reform the Section 202 and 811 supportive housing programs for very low income elderly and disabled persons.  President Obama signed the bill into law last week. Download the PDF: “Law Alert: Section...

Law Alert – HCD Adopts Annual Housing Element Reporting Regulations

In March, the California Department of Housing and Community Development finally adopted Housing Element regulations that specify to citities and counties how to complete annual reports on housing element progress required by Section 65400 of the Government Code....